New Year's Resolutions for Pet Owners: A Healthier 2024


It's Almost 2024! - Time to Make Some Paw-some Resolutions! 🐶

As you set your New Year's resolutions for 2024, be sure to include some goals to improve your furry BFF's health and happiness! Here are a few to consider:

  1. Take Your Dog on More Walks: 🐕 Getting your pup moving with frequent walks provides exercise and mental stimulation - a win-win! Here are some examples:

  1. Set a goal for how many walks per day or week. Start with something achievable like 2 short walks per day. Gradually increase over time.
  2. Schedule walks into your calendar so they become a regular routine, not an afterthought. Block out 30 mins or an hour for the walk itself plus prep time.
  3. Explore new routes in your neighborhood to keep walks interesting for both you and your pup. Dogs love sights, sounds and smells!
  4. Consider dog-friendly hiking trails on weekends for longer adventures. Check regulations in your area.
  5. Bring doggy bags and clean up after your pup. Be a courteous and responsible dog owner.
  6. Stay hydrated and bring water for you and your dog, especially on warm days.
  7. Make walks more engaging with toys or treats for motivation and training. Bring their favorite ball or frisbee.
  8. Invite friends and their dogs along for added socialization and fun. Your pup will love a pack walk!
  9. Monitor your dog's signals. Keep walks short if they seem tired or stressed. Know when to head home.
  10. Enjoy quality bonding time with your furry friend. Walks are wonderful for the human-animal connection!

  1. Feed Your Cat a Nutritious Diet: 🐈 Consult your vet on the best food to keep your kitty energized and at a healthy weight. Proper nutrition is key!

Here are some tips for feeding your cat a nutritious diet:

  1. Talk to your veterinarian about your cat's dietary needs based on age, activity level, and health status. Get recommendations on commercial cat food brands and formulas.
  2. Look for high-protein, meat-based cat foods with real meat or fish as the first ingredient. Cats are obligate carnivores and need a lot of protein.
  3. Choose grain-free canned or dry foods to mimic a cat's natural carnivore diet. Avoid corn, wheat and soy.
  4. Check labels for nutritional adequacy statements from AAFCO to ensure complete and balanced nutrition.
  5. Give dry food for dental health, but also provide wet food to boost moisture intake. Aim for a 50/50 mix.
  6. Feed specified amounts based on package guidelines and your vet's advice. Weigh your cat regularly to ensure proper weight.
  7. Avoid overfeeding. Stick to scheduled mealtimes rather than free-feeding throughout the day.
  8. Ensure fresh, clean water is always available. Change water daily.
  9. Don't give cats milk or other dairy products. Most are lactose intolerant.
  10. Avoid human table scraps or foods with onions/garlic which can be toxic to cats.
  11. Monitor stool quality as a sign of good digestion and nutrient absorption.

  1. Schedule Annual Vet Visits: 🩺 Don't skip your pet's yearly checkup! Preventative care from the vet can catch issues early. Get that 2024 appointment booked.

Here are some tips for scheduling annual vet visits for your pets:

  1. Mark your calendars! Set reminders on your phone or computer to make those vet appointments every 12 months.
  2. For pets older than 10, consider biannual visits to monitor health more closely.
  3. Book well in advance, as vets tend to get busier heading into spring and summer. Call now for that 2023 visit.
  4. Ask if your vet books annual wellness services like vaccinations and heartworm tests. They may send you reminders.
  5. Discuss billing and payment plans ahead of time. Vet care can be costly, so plan your budget.
  6. Gather pertinent medical records from past years to provide background for the vet.
  7. Make a list of any health concerns you want to discuss with the vet during your visit.
  8. Fast your pet before appointments requiring blood work. Follow your vet's instructions.
  9. Drop off a fecal sample if requested by your vet prior to the checkup.
  10. In the exam room, give your vet a thorough history of the past year.
  11. Go over all medications and supplements your pet takes to check if adjustments are needed.
  12. Get recommendations from your vet on ways to keep your pet healthy until the next annual visit!

Give Your Pet More Affection: 💕 Frequent treats, belly rubs, brushing and cuddles will make your companion feel loved. More attention = a happier pet!

Here are some examples of giving your pet more affection:

  1. Greet your pet excitedly when you get home with pets, hugs and kind words. Make them feel special.
  2. Schedule daily brushing and fur care as quality bonding time. Cats love being groomed.
  3. Sit together on the couch and give belly rubs or gentle massages while watching TV.
  4. Take your dog on extra play sessions with their favorite toy or game of fetch. The interaction is loving.
  5. Give your pet affectionate pats and scratches throughout the day as you pass by. Quick moments count.
  6. Hand feed treats gently from your palm. Let them "kiss" your hand after.
  7. Talk sweetly to your pet, even if they don't understand words. Use a soothing tone.
  8. Snuggle before bedtime and allow them to sleep on or near you. Feeling close is comforting.
  9. Set aside lap time while you read or work on the computer. Stroke their fur as they purr.
  10. Praise good behaviors enthusiastically. More approval makes them feel cared for.
  11. Surprise your pet randomly with a special toy or gourmet meal just because. Spoil them sometimes!

Let's commit to making 2024 the healthiest, most paw-some year yet for our fur babies! Bark/meow in the comments the resolutions you're making. This is going to be a GREAT year! 🥳