Pet Management

Feature rich pet care and management app for cats, dogs and many other pet species.

Smart reminders
Smart shopping
Health tracking

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Pet care for all regardless of species

Keep everything in one place at a glance with YepiPet. YepiPet is a handy tool to keep track of multiple pets. It allows you to  monitor your pet’s care and health regardless of species. Record your pet’s name, type of animal, breed, gender, birthday, and weight. YepiPet will help you identify recommended care, diet, and activity for your pet’s optimized health and happiness.

How does it work?

Simply create an account for your pet, set up the initial informations like age, breed, vaccination status and you're good to go.

Is there a limit in pet numbers?

Screenshot of the app feature in smartphone
slide to the left

Pet Dashboard

The pet dashboard features a great overview of your pets, regardless of their species, bead or age. All important information, like age and weight, status of your reminders and routine cares can be found at a glance.